There are so many choices for baby gear items to purchase. Various strollers, walkers, play toys, exersaucers, swings, etc. All of these items call out to you as you enter the Baby superstores these days. The question remains: what items are important for your baby's development and what items are a waste of money?
I believe that the exersaucer or activity center is one of the most important items that my wife and I have bought for our baby. The development that results from the exersaucer is clear. Not only do our baby's motor skills and strength build as a result of the product, but the various interactive, entertaining elements of the exersaucer help with mental stimulation and development.
The baby walker is the other fantastic item that aids in the development of a baby's motor skills. It basically let's them learn to walk without having to hold themselves up the entire time.
While the exersaucer is not the end-all with regards to baby development, I strongly believe that it is a crucial component of providing an environment that is conducive for development and fun for your little baby. Add in the fact that your baby is typically very safe and happy in the exersaucer and you have a clear winner. There are only so many places you can put your baby and feel comfortable as a parent and know that your baby is both safe and happy, but the exersaucer is definitely one of them. It's almost worth purchasing simply for this ability!
Common brands for an exersaucer or activity center are Evenflo, Bright Starts and Baby Einstein. Each of these companies offer a great product. Research each of them to make sure that you get the best one for your baby.
While you need to consider the various toys and products that you can use to enhance your baby's first months, I strongly encourage the exersaucer to be one of the products you consider. The benefits are many and you can re-use the same exersaucer for how ever many kids you have down the road.
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